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Docs Dump

I attended a creative summit recently to branch out and learn new things. However, one theme that seemed to repeat was the need to get things out on paper.   Yep, a good old brain dump. Idea, things to do, scheduling. Lay it all out.   Why?   So the mental load wasn't as impossible to bear. We keep so much in our brains, that it can lead to mental and physical issues.   It was a great reinforcement to hear. In fact, I'd just realized I needed to do just that.   Not just in my business ideas, and scheduling but in my overall life.   Many people have no idea how much we hold in our minds, but...

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Ingredient Eaters

The first time I had a s'more I was in Girl Scouts. It was an ooey and gooey treat for sure.   The last time was just after my baptism when the church celebrated with a cookout. This time my daughter was all about roasting the marshmallows.   As we talk scouting for her, she's delighted by the fact of getting to roast and eat more s'mores. However, truthfully she's a lot like me.   An ingredient eater.   While we can eat them together as a delightful concoction, we're also pleased as punch to eat the graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows all by themselves.   Sure that may make us a little weird, but we're naturally a bit kooky...

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